Mikill olķufundur undan ströndum Egyptalands.

,,Cairo (AFP) - Italian energy giant Eni on Sunday announced the discovery of the "largest ever" offshore natural gas field in the Mediterranean, in Egypts territorial waters. The discovery, confirmed by Egypts oil ministry, could hold a potential 30 trillion cubic feet (850 billion cubic metres) of gas in an area of about 100 square kilometres (40 square miles), Eni said in a statement. "Its the largest gas discovery ever made in Egypt and in the Mediterranean Sea and could become one of the worlds largest natural-gas finds," the firm said. The so-called Zohr project discovery is expected to meet Egypt's own natural gas demands for decades."


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1 identicon

Er olķa sama og gas?

Pakkakķkir (IP-tala skrįš) 1.9.2015 kl. 15:21

2 Smįmynd: Snorri Hansson

Til hamingju Egyptar

Snorri Hansson, 2.9.2015 kl. 16:32

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