Hefur įšur sagt svipaš

ž.e. ķ sambandi viš christie hospital, eftirlit og įbyrgš o.s.frv. Sagši žaš ķ fyrirspurnartķma 1. Aprķl.  Var aš svara Paul Rowen (En žį minntist hann ekkert į IMF aš vķsu):

"Q3. [267918] Paul Rowen (Rochdale) (LD): The Christie hospital, which is a world leader in the treatment of cancer, has recently lost £6.5 million owing to the Icelandic banking crisis—money that was earmarked for new radiography centres in Oldham and Salford. Given the Government’s support for financial institutions, what is the Prime Minister doing to help the Christie to recover that money?

The Prime Minister: I have met nurses from the Christie hospital, who do a wonderful job in treating people with cancer. The Christie hospital is a world-class hospital and I praise it for what it does. I have said that I will meet its officials to look at the issues that they raise. Essentially, the issue relates to an Icelandic bank that was regulated not in Britain, but outside. For all banks that are regulated in Britain, we have guaranteed the deposits of savers. We will see what we can do, but I have to tell the hon. Gentleman that the central issue is
1 Apr 2009 : Column 916
that the Christie hospital is not a charity with funds in a bank that is regulated in Britain. However, we will look at what we can do, and I once again praise the Christie hospital for what it achieves.


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