Schulz forseti Evrópužingsins: Grikkland žarf stjórn tęknikrata.

Umsögn forseta Evrópužingsins um Grikklandsmįliš hefur vakiš talsverša athygli.  Hann segir bókstaflega aš hann hafi enga trś į Tsipras og Syrisa-Anel stjórninni.  Nś verši grikkir aš vera raunsęir, segir hann, og kjósa jį į sunnudag.  Žį verši Tsipras stjórnin aš hętta og bošaš yrši til kosninga.  En fyrst ętti aš taka viš stjórn tęknikrata til aš koma umbótum į og ballansera fjįrlögin. ,,New elections would be necessary, if the Greek population votes for the reform program and remaining in the euro zone and Mr. Tsipras duly resigns. But the time until the election would have to be bridged with a technocratic government, which we could keep negotiating with. If this temporary government can come to a reasonable agreement with the creditors, Syriza’s time would be over. Then Greece would have another chance."

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