Forsętisrįšherra Portśgals: Meginkröfur grikkja eru ,,childrens fairy-tale".

Er nįttśrulega rétt hjį honum.

Žaš er ekkert Evrurķki sem hefur fallist į megin upplegg grikkja.  

,,Portuguese Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho. Branding Tsipras’s debt restructuring plans a “children’s fairy-tale”, Passos Coelho claimed that it was “not possible that a country might, for example, not accept its international commitments, not pay its debts, want to raise salaries, lower taxes and still expect partners to have the obligation to guarantee its financing”. He similarly warned against considering the situation in Greece an excuse “to rethink the entirety of Europe.” Such “abuses” were harmful and counter-productive in light of the progress Europe had made in the past months. Instead, Passos Coelho called for the Hellenic Prime Minister to not solely attribute Greece’s problems to the European Union. Ireland, Spain and his own country had been subject to the same rules as Greece under the bail-out programme and succeeded in returning to a path to prosperity."

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