Bulliš ķ lżšskrumurunum ķ Grikklandi toppar sig.

Nś vilja žeir stórar skašabętur frį žjóšverjum.  Įlķka vitlaust upplegg og ef Framsókn fęri fram meš žaš hér aš danir skuldušu Ķslandi hundruši milljarša į hundruši ofan og myndu žar styšjast viš śtreikninga Jón Siguršssonar į 19.öld.

,,Athens (AFP) - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said Sunday the country had a "moral obligation" to claim reparations from Germany for the damages wrought by the Nazis during World War II.

Greece had "a moral obligation to our people, to history, to all European peoples who fought and gave their blood against Nazism," he said in a key address to parliament.

Berlin has already sounded a firm "no" to requests for reparations nearly 70 years after the end of the war, but Tsipras and his radical left party have vowed to tackle the issue.

"Our historical obligation is to claim the occupation loan and reparations," the new PM said, referring to Germany's four-year occupation of Greece and a war-time loan which the Third Reich forced the Greek central bank to give it which ruined the country financially.

Tsipras's anti-austerity Syriza party claims Germany owes it around 162 billion euros ($183 billion) -- or around half the country's public debt, which stands at over 315 billion euros."


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