Nżjar įsakanir um bit. Suarez sagšur hafa bitiš 8 leikmenn.

,,EXCLUSIVE: Luis Suarez 'has bitten EIGHT people on the pitch' LUIS Suarez has bitten eight players in his career, it was sensationally claimed last night.

Football’s governing body FIFA probed another five alleged attacks by the shamed football star.

Investigators were told Suarez, 27, sunk his teeth into opponents as a youth in Uruguay.

But insiders claimed the bites were hushed up and records from his first club, Nacional, have mysteriously disappeared.

FIFA has heard claims of a cover-up relating to the career of Suarez – who last night denied biting Italian player Giorgio Chiellini, 29.

A source told the Daily Star Sunday: “FIFA have not only taken into consideration this bite and two previous incidents when they handed Suarez a four-month ban from football.  

,,They are also aware of other alleged biting incidents from his early professional playing days. There are people who have come forward to FIFA with details. There are allegations of five attacks but whistleblowers have told FIFA they were covered up because football officials in Uruguay did not want it known that their star asset was involved."



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Suarez er bįrattumašur

Reyna (IP-tala skrįš) 30.6.2014 kl. 00:57

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