Ķsraelar notušu börn sem mannlega skildi

viš strķšsglępaverk sķn į Gaza.  Létu börn fara fyrir sér undir skothrķš klukkustundum saman og opna grunsamlega pakka.   Skutu börn og konur og sprendu hśs sem er žeir höfšu įšur smalaš fólki innķ o.s.frv. o.s.frv.  Žvķlķkur hryllingur.  (Taka ber eftir žvķ, aš žetta kemur eigi ķ fréttum ķ mogga.  Lķklega vegna žess aš žį myndu "vinir ķsraels" verša rosa vondir)

United Nations investigators have accused the Israeli army of using an 11-year-old boy as a human shield during its recent Gaza offensive.

Their report says troops ordered the boy to walk in front of them for several hours under fire, entering buildings and opening suspect packages.

The UN team responsible for protection of children in war zones says it found "hundreds" of similar violations.

Israel has denied the charges, saying morals are "paramount" in its army.

Israel's ambassador to the UN criticised the report as "unable or perhaps unwilling" to address attacks against its civilians by Palestinian militants.

The lead investigator, Sri Lankan lawyer Radhika Coomaraswamy, said the incident with the boy in the Gaza neighbourhood of Tel al-Hawa on 15 January was a violation of Israeli and international law.

Her report also accuses Israeli soldiers of shooting Palestinian children, bulldozing a home with a woman and child still inside, and shelling a building they had ordered civilians into a day earlier.

She cited the case of one family where the father was ordered out of his home and shot. Soldiers then fired on the family inside, killing one child and wounding the mother and three children.

She added that her report contained "just a few examples of the hundreds of incidents" that had been verified by UN officials in the Gaza Strip.


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1 Smįmynd: Sigurbjörn Frišriksson

Žetta er ekki ķ fyrsta sinn sem Morgunblašiš birtir ekki fréttir af hryšjuverkum Ķsraelsmanna.

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Sigurbjörn Frišriksson, 24.3.2009 kl. 22:42

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