Allt ķ rólegheitunum į Kżpur.

žaš kemur vissulega pķnulķtiš į óvart eftir allar ęsifréttirnar undanvarna viku - aš allt er bara ķ rólegheitum į Kypur.  žaš er ekki eitt einasta dęmi um vesen viš bankastofnun į žeirri eyju eftir aš bankarnir opnušu aftur ķ gęr.    Žetta er umhugsunarvert.  Jafframt hefur ekkert boršiš į umręšu mešal kypverska stjórnmįlamanna um aš Kypur hętti meš Evru.  Sś umręša hefur bara veriš mešal Andsinna hér uppi ķ fįsinni.

En varšandi žaš ķ hverju bankaašgeršir stjórnvalda felast, žį eru žęr eftirfarandi eins og sjį mį į sķšu Sešlabanka Kypur.  žar sést m.a. aš tal hérna uppi, m.a. af virtum fjölmišlum um ,,skatt į innstęšur" er rangt.  Žaš er enginn skattur į innstęšur.  Ašgerširnar felast ķ aš tveir stęrstu bankarnir eru settir ķ žrot.  Annar ķ fullt žrot žar sem góšar eignir verša vęršar ķ BOC og BOC veršur sķšan endurskipulagšur žar sem hluti  innstęšna  yfir 100.000 Evrur veršur breitt ķ hlut ķ bankanum.  ž.e. eignast ķ raun bankann aš hluta til:

,,1. The resolution of Laiki Bank involves its separation into a "good" and a "bad" bank, with full protection of insured depositors (up to €100.000 per depositor). This arrangement also covers joint accounts.

2. The ,,good"  Laiki Bank will be absorbed by the Bank of Cyprus, in the framework of the resolution and restructuring of the two banks.

3. The Governing Council of the ECB has committed to provide immediate liquidity to the Bank of Cyprus, in accordance with the Rules of the Eurosystem, so that the liquidity of the Bank of Cyprus is not affected by the transfer of the amount of the Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) of Laiki Bank.

4. The Bank of Cyprus will be recapitalised so that account holders with deposits up to €100.000 will be fully protected, in line with the relevant EU legislation.

5. The appointment of a temporary Special Administrator in both banks aims to facilitate and complete the process of resolution and restructuring of Laiki Bank and the Bank of Cyprus. Regarding the Bank of Cyprus, the mission of the Special Administrator is primarily for the process of its recapitalisation. In other words, the resolution process is not synonymous with the liquidation process.

6. The resolution process applies only to the two banks. The rest of the Cypriot banking system is not affected by the resolution process nor by the decisions of the Eurogroup. Kżpur ekki į leiš śr evrusamstarfi
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