Bob Dylan: Viš getum ašeins breytt fortķšinni.

Bob Dylan, 71, var ķ vištali ķ  tķmaritinu Rolling Stones į dögunum og fór talsvert mikinn į köflum. Tekur nokkra daga aš ętla aš greina vištališ en sumt eru frekar djśpar pęingar.   Hann segir ma.: Viš sjįum alltaf hlutina eins og žeir ķ raun og veru voru ekki, eša viš sjįum žį eins og viš viljum sjį žį. Viš getum ekki breytt nśtķšinni eša framtķšinni. Viš getum ašeins breytt fortķšinni, og viš erum alltaf aš breyta henni.

,,History's a funny thing, isn't it? History can be changed. The past can be changed and distorted and used for propaganda purposes. Things we've been told happened might not have happened at all. And things that we were told that didn't hap pen actually might have happened. News papers do it all the time; history books do it all the time. Everybody changes the past in their own way. It's habitual, you know? We always see things the way they really weren't, or we see them the way we want to see them. We can't change the present or the future. We can only change the past, and we do it all the time."



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