Mżtur um fjįrlög EU leišréttar.

Mjög hefur boriš į rangfęrslum allrahanda žessu višvķkjandi og žjóšžrifaverk aš leišrétta.

,,To find out about the EU budget – how it works and what it is spent on – we usually rely on media reports or independent websites. Among many informative and factual reports, one may sometimes find stories based on twisted facts, inaccurate figures or downright lies. These stories are often taken up by others and start a life of their own, which puts at risk the quality of the public debate on the EU finances.

Below is a short selection of such stories and myths, followed by comments which we hope will help set the record straight.


The myth:   The EU budget is riddled with fraud!

The facts: The European Court of Auditors gives our accounts a clean bill of health and says that they correctly reflect how the EU budget is spent.

It is true that is some policy areas, the Court of Auditors still has a problem to sign off our payments. In cohesion policy for example the error rate is still slightly above 5% despite the fact that it has been reduced considerably. The Court estimates the Commission rate at between 2 to 5% in our payments, depending on the policy area, whereas the threshold set by the Court is a 2% error rate.


A 2% to 5% error rate is not big. It means that a minimum of 95% of our payments are correct. So we are not doing badly at EU level.

Errors don't mean fraud. Suspected fraud affects only a very small part of the budget, accounting for 0.2% of the EU budget."




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