19.1.2009 | 14:20
Ķsraelar óttast strķšsglępaįkęrur.
Ķsraelskur rįšherra: "Žegar afleišingar gjörša okkar į Gaza verša ljós, mun ég ekki lengur fara ķ frķ til Amsterdam heldur ašeins til Alžjóšadómstólsins ķ Haag."
Ekki var strax ljóst hvort hann sagši setninguna ķ alvöru eša af gamansemi
Israel fears wave of war crimes lawsuit over Gaza offensive.
Israel is preparing for a wave of lawsuits by pro-Palestinian organizations overseas against Israelis involved in the Gaza fighting, claiming they were responsible for war crimes due to the harsh results stemming from the IDF's actions against Palestinian civilians and their property.
Senior Israeli ministers have expressed serious fears during the past few days about the possibility that Israel will be pressed to agree to an international investigation of the losses among non-combatants during Operation Cast Lead; or alternately, that Israelis will be faced with personal suits, such as happened to Israeli officers who were accused of war crimes in Britain for their actions during the second intifada.
When the scale of the damage in Gaza becomes clear, I will no longer take a vacation in Amsterdam, only at the international court in The Hague," said one minister. It was not clear whether he was trying to make a joke or not.
Hóta aš vopna Hamas aš nżju | |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Jį žeir voru aš reyna aš kęra einn hundraš og įtta įra gamlan fyrir strķšsglępi hafi įtt aš hafa sungiš fyrir žjóšverja ķ Auzvis,svo žeir vita um hvaš mįliš snżst vonar mašur hinn gušs śtvaldažjóš ö barasta
Adolf (IP-tala skrįš) 19.1.2009 kl. 15:05
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.