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ķ NY 9/11 samkvęmt skżrslu  NIST sem tók 3 įr aš skrifa.

Brak frį WTC 1&2 kveikti eld ķ byggingunni sem leiddi til aš gólf į 13. hęš hrundi sem varš til žess aš mikilvęgur biti veiktist og gaf sig og śr varš nokkurskonar dóminóeffekt.

"GAITHERSBURG, Md. (AP) — Federal investigators said Thursday they have solved a mystery of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks: the collapse of World Trade Center building 7, a source of long-running conspiracy theories.


The 47-story trapezoid-shaped building sat north of the World Trade Center towers, across Vesey Street in lower Manhattan. On Sept. 11, it was set on fire by falling debris from the burning towers, but skeptics have long argued that fire and debris alone should not have brought down such a big steel-and-concrete structure.

Scientists with the National Institute of Standards and Technology say their three-year investigation of the collapse determined the demise of WTC 7 was actually the first time in the world a fire caused the total failure of a skyscraper.

"The reason for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 is no longer a mystery," said Dr. Shyam Sunder, the lead investigator on the NIST team.


The 77-page report concluded that the fatal blow to the building came when the 13th floor collapsed, weakening a critical steel support column that led to catastrophic failure.

"When this critical column buckled due to lack of floor supports, it was the first domino in the chain," said Sunder.

Sunder said his team investigated the possibility that an explosion inside the building brought it down, but found there was no large boom or other noise that would have occurred with such a detonation. Investigators also created a giant computer model of the collapse, based partly on news footage from CBS News, that they say shows internal column failure brought down the building.


A spokeswoman for the leaseholder of the World Trade Center, developer Larry Silverstein, praised the government's work.

"Hopefully this thorough report puts to rest the various 9/11 conspiracy theories, which dishonor the men and women who lost their lives on that terrible day," said Silverstein spokeswoman Dara McQuillen.

In discussing the findings, the investigator Sunder acknowledged that some may still not be convinced, but insisted the science behind their findings is "incredibly conclusive."

"The public should really recognize the science is really behind what we have said," he said, adding: "The obvious stares you in the face."


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Myndaheimild frį http://killtown.911review.org/wtc7/videos.html og bętt innķ texta af žeim er skrįšur er fyrir bloggsķšu.

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Gullvagninn (IP-tala skrįš) 22.8.2008 kl. 09:05

2 Smįmynd: Ómar Bjarki Kristjįnsson

Jį, žetta virkar ekki sannfęrandi.  Eg hefši bśist viš aš žeir kęmu meš eitthvaš nżtt ķ žessari skżrslu sem bśiš er veriš aš bķša eftir og hefur margoft veriš seinkaš śtgįfu į.

Ómar Bjarki Kristjįnsson, 22.8.2008 kl. 11:12

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