26.5.2008 | 21:59
BNA heldur 27.000 leynilega föngnum
ķ Ķrak og Afghan og etv. vķšar. Įn allra réttinda, svipaš og Ķ Gvantó, nema aš į žessum stöšum komast lögfręšingar og hnżsnir ašilar ekki nįlęgt žeim.
Svo segir Clive Stafford Smith, lögfręšingur 50 fanga ķ Gvantó.
STAFFORD SMITH: Well you know, one thing that my charity, Reprieve, out of London, weve been trying to do is track down the real ghost prisoners in this process. And if you look at Guantanamo Bay, 270, roughly, as you mentioned, prisoners in Guantanamo, but according to the most recent official figures, the United States is currently holding 27,000 secret prisoners around the world. So that means that 99 percent of these folk are not in Guantanamo Bay.
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