6.5.2008 | 02:42
Thomas Müller afbrotafręšingur
telur aš um dęmigert tilfelli af "malignant narcissist" sé aš ręša. Oršiš malignant er notaš ķ lęknisfręši td um krabbamein, že. illkynja krabbamein. Mešal einkenna "maliganant naricissism" er skortur į hęfileika ķ aš greina rétt frį röngu, valdafķkn, drottnunar og ofuržörf. (ekki nógu nįkvęmar žżšingar, veit žaš vel) Pollock wrote: "The malignant narcissist is presented as pathologically grandiose, lacking in conscience and behavioral regulation with characteristic demonstrations of joyful cruelty and sadism.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malignant_narcissism
Žaš sem haft er eftir Muller ķ enskum fjölmišlum var eftirfarandi:
Thomas Mueller, one of Austria's best-known criminologists described Fritzl as a typical case of a "malignant narcissist" in comments to Austrian public radio Oe3.
The malignant narcissist could only increase their own self-value by oppressing others, he said.
"They lock them in or inflict pain on them. The perpetrator wants to seen as powerful," said Mueller, who trained as a profiler with the FBI in the United States.
"To me, it's as if they have a black hole inside them. With every sadistic act, they try to fill that hole. But everytime they do something, the hole just gets bigger," Mueller said.
Asked why the criminal therefore persisted with the crime, Mueller explained: "For a short time, they experience a feeling of relief. They have the feeling they have power over life and death.
Increased self-worth
"But then the perpetrator sees that there are some things that didn't fit in with their fantasies. So they seek out another victim."
"Sexually abusing your own child is about power, because you're exercising control.
"It's easy to control a young, weak child. But when the child grows up, there's an increased danger that they'll rebel.
"So the perpetrator has to think pragmatically, such as building a bunker" to lock the victim in."
By making their captives totally dependent on them, they feel increased self-worth every time they bring them food, Mueller said.
Umrętt einkenni getur aušvitaš tekiš į sig żmsar myndir og samkvęmt sérfęšingum geta slķkir einstaklingar vel fśnkeraš, einhvern tķma allavega, ķ žjóšfélaginu og geta haft td góšan skilning į žvķ hvernig best er aš mynda tengsl eša traust viš yfirvöld eša almenn stjórnunarvöld. Einstaklingar meš malignant narcissist finnast ķ öllum stéttum og störfum o.s.frv., že. samkv. žvķ sem eg hef lesiš eftir mjög lauslega athugun.
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Fritzl vill ekki fara śr fangaklefanum |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.