19.3.2008 | 19:01
Dęmi um rugl fréttaflutning
Varšandi islam og mśslima.
Sķšastlišiš haust birti ruv žessa frétt:
Bretland: Hatursįróšur ķ moskum
Bękur, blöš og bęklingar sem hvetja til hryšjuverka og flytja hatursįróšur gegn kristindómi, gyšingum og samkynhneigšu fólki eru į bošstólum ķ fjóršungi moskna og félagsmišstöšva mśslķma ķ Bretlandi.
MSM hafši samviskusamlega birt žessa "frétt" ...mjög samvisksamlega. Sumstašar var žessu klesst į forsķšu.
Nś, hvaš gerist ? Jś, namely aš žaš kemur alveg óvart uppśr dśrnum aš allt var žetta bara bull og vitleysa. Svokölluš "rannsókn" byggši meir aš segja į fölsušum heimildum ! Allt tómt malbik nįttśrulega til aš lįta muslima lķta illa śt ķ hugum almennings. Tilviljun ? Held ekki
Tveir fjölmišlar ķ Bretlandi hafa žó skakklappast til aš lagfęra rangfęrslurnar og įróšurinn !
The Sun and Daily Mail withdraw unfounded allegations by Policy Exchange
"Following a complaint by the British Muslim Initiative to the Press Complaints Commission regarding media coverage of the disgraced Policy Exchanges unfounded report on alleged extremist literature in mosques, the Sun newspaper has withdrawn its coverage of the report from its website and published a clarification letter by BMI.
When a Newsnight investigation in December revealed that vast amounts of evidence used by Policy Exchange to claim that UK mosques were distributing extremist literature were revealed to be entirely forged, BMI noticed that few newspapers reported the revelations. In fact, many of these papers had originally given prominent and extremely biased coverage to the report, including The Times (on its front page), The Daily Telegraph, the Daily Mail and The Sun, and had completely failed to display any objectivity or balance in presenting the story, presenting it as fact despite the hugely inflammatory nature of the allegations."
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.