3.3.2008 | 22:16
Ķslenska Utanrķkisrįšuneytiš hugsar sjįlfstętt
Iran, Iceland welcome stronger ties
Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki says Iceland's independent policies set playing field for bilateral cooperation.
Mottaki made the remark in a meeting with the Permanent Secretary of State of the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Gretar Mar Sigurosson, in Tehran on Sunday.
Iran's trade balance is over $120 billion, so auto manufacturing, dam construction and the implementation of various projects, in the form of mutual cooperation with Iceland, can secure both countries' interests, said Mottaki.
Sigurosson said such bilateral ties are important for his country, adding that Iceland enjoys a deep and longstanding relationship with the Islamic Republic.
He mentioned that the potential for expanding relations with Iran are tremendous and diverse, and expressed hope for the growth of ties in line with the interests of both countries.
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