Nķhķlistar sprengja ķ Aženu. Ętla aš kollvarpa vestręnu skipulagi. Taka Baader-Meinhoff til fyrirmyndar. Ekki minnst į žetta ķ fréttum hér.

,,A bomb exploded outside the offices of a Greek business federation in central Athens on Tuesday, badly damaging the nearby Cypriot Embassy but causing no injuries, police officials said. The blast, which police believe was carried out by domestic guerrilla groups, is the first such incident since leftist Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras came to power in January. There was no immediate claim of responsibility."  http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/24/us-eurozone-greece-blast-idUSKBN0TD06T20151124#S5d63jHWtqvyhKDy.97

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