5.7.2015 | 10:55
Varoufakis: Žaš er ekki bśiš aš gera neinar opinberar kannanir varšandi žjóšaratkvęšagreišsluna.
Fjįrmįlarįšherra grikkja, Varoufakis var ķ vištali viš El Mundo. Žar segir hann aš žaš sé ekki bśiš aš gera neinar alvöru kannanir varšandi afstöšu fólks til žjóšaratkvęšagreišslunnar. Žęr kannanir sem hafi birst séu bara oršrómur. Eftirfarandi er bara ķ gegnum google translate en meginmerking orša Varoufakis kemur alveg fram. Merkilegt fyrirbrigši žetta google translate:
Blašamašur: ,,And what do you forecast will happen? Surveys show that as the days have progressed the ,,no" has lost ground and that the ,,yes" has been gaining popularity.
Varoufakis: What surveys? The interesting thing here is that they have not released official surveys ... It's fascinating, is not it? Why is that?
B: Sorry to say yes circulating surveys on the referendum they say ...
V: No, no polls, not one. The rumors circulating are not surveys. Until this very moment, as far as I know, none of the companies has issued official surveys surveys. He has just come out a survey, and the company that made it withdrawn from circulation. Why? The only reason I can think of is that the 'no' wins and those who make or commission the surveys do not want you to know ...
B: Will not you be paranoid?
V: I do not think, really. If you are allowed to publish polls before the referendum and are not published, the only reason I can think of is that.
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
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