Evrópureisa Syriza-bręšra misheppnuš.

Žaš viršist flestra manna mįl, aš yfirreiš žeirra Tsiprasar, Varoufakis og fleiri topp-ašila śr Syriza-bandalaginu um Evrópu hafi veriš misheppnuš og afleitri strategķu hafi veriš beitt.  

Sumir velta sérlega vöngum yfir framgöngu Varoufakis sem er leikjafręšingur og hefur skrifaš mikiš um ,,Game theory".

Einn umsagnarašilinn sagši aš žaš vęri ekki aš sjį aš Varoufakis vęri menntašur ķ žessu eša aš žį hefši menntunin ekki skilaš sér ķ strategķu hans.

Strategķa Varoufakis ķ reisunni um Evrópu hafi veriš lķkt og mašur sem vęri sķfellt meš byssu į lofti en allt tal hans og orka til žeirra sem hann hitti mišaši aš žvķ, aš sannfęra žį um aš hann myndi ekki skjóta.

Er soldiš til ķ žessu.  

Žaš er allavega ljóst aš Syrzia-bręšur hafa fengiš fįa nżja fylgendur eša stušning almennings meš framgöngu sinni.  

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Hér er pistill eftir grķsk- ķslenskan lękni, bśsettur ķ Grikklandi.


"Note to all friends of the new strong men down South: Tsipras and Co.

To all your romantic revolutionaries; Tsipras and his Syriza fellows are as professional politicians as their counterparts in Greece or the EU. Tsipras very cleverly was riding on a populist wave, taking advantage of the disillusion of the people, winding them up with empty rhetoric.

Tsipras built his opposition and finally election campaign on unfounded anti austerity rhetoric; mixing it all up; the greedy Greek millionaires and Merkel with the bad Europeans, they are responsible for the hardship Greek people have to endure. No word of a political and economic system that lacks reforms since over 30 years, no word of the cronyism and corruption most politicians included Tsipras himself and his Syriza friends, actually the entire Greek society are all part off. No word of the lush lifestyle the Greeks enjoyed the years before the crisis, almost a million public servant with salaries up to 6 – 8 k/mo and their shopping weekend trips to New York or Paris, no word of the density of Porsche Cayennes tighter that on the Cote d"Azur, no word on the abuses of the voiceless illegal immigrant who work the fields under conditions worse than animals with little pay while the Greek farmers sipping Ouzo and counting EU subsidies.

The people need scapegoats and Tsipras delivered. The bad Greek Oligarchs, and the mean Europeans. Vilifying the Troika that indeed had occupied a better part of the Syntagma offices to worked hard to bring this Banana Republic to a European standard. Hard work to make Greece more open and competitive and more just, work of reform, work of changing an absolute rotten culture of stealing and lying, work of breaking monopolies and its system-paralyzing Union counterparts. All in the interest of a stronger Greece making the European Union a better place have been vilified by Tsipras. Tsipras who is promising reforms that are already in full swing due to the Troika: such as better taxation! The Troika already implemented an electronic tax filing system and asked to separate the tax collecting body from the political system (remember the politicians are the largest tax evader in Greece). Tsipras doesn’t even mention the overhaul of a court system that is so slow that for the poor man it is basically nonexistent, the Troika was working on it. Tsipras on the other hand is threatening to make true to his election promises he was buying votes from the public servant collective and the Unions: hinder the opening of the professions, stop the auction of depth creating public companies, rehiring into the overbloated public servant system.

But now, after winning the election, Tspiras and with him Varoufakis, are showing their real potential; some narcissist madmen, shortsighted and dumb, trying to make history by provoking the EU and riding on such strong rhetoric diplomacy will never find a solution to. They are running this poor country full steam towards the abyss. They are winding themselves up in that politico drunk frenzy, that will only lead to Greece’s exclusion from the Euro.

Mind you in Europe nothing will change, in Europe history is made day by day on a totally different level, with slow, but careful well thought-through moves to benefit Europe as a whole and the people and their countries as a sum.

Grexit however is not the end of the story for Tsipras or Varoufakis. They will continue for a little longer to ride high, again they will blame the others (Europe) to have done this to poor Greece, washing their hands in innocence.

But what will happen to Greece next? a society now used to live on an European standard of comfort and safety Greeks suddenly will find themselves balkanized, closed in in poverty.

Tsipras, a former hardliner Communist with Che posters on his wall and a son named Hernesto will lose the momentum and his nonexistent base that was built on empty populism and rhetoric, and the people will be very unhappy looking for new solutions and scapegoats. And this will open the gates for the right hardliners in the waiting: finally blood will flow.

Not to mention how the Turks will react with their eyes on potential energy sources in the Mediterranean.

This is how history is made. And you people applaud this little maniac that unfortunate constellation of economic misery, weak political opponents, and a desperate not very educated population has catapulted to power and whose stupidity we all will have to pay so dear for.

Thank you!"

Haukur Kristinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 13.2.2015 kl. 12:18

2 Smįmynd: Ómar Bjarki Kristjįnsson

Sammįla žessu ķ meginatrišum.

Er enganvegin nógu gott įstand žarna.

Žaš er lķka sérkennilegt aš lesa grķska fjölmišla, flesta, (les žį bara ķ gegnum google translate en sumir er į ensku).

Žeir byggja upp svišsmynd heimafyrir, - sem erfitt er aš sjį aš sé ķ neinum tengslum viš raunveruleikann.

Fjölmišlar sumir ķ grikklandi tala, lķkt og Syriza, aš mįlflutningur grikkja hljóti miklar undirtektir ķ Evrópu.  Bęši hjį stjórnvöldum og almenningi.

Žaš er eitthvaš ,,sušurbandalag", Ķtalķ, Spįnn, France vs. ,,noršurbandalag" meš Germany, Holland og Finnland ķ fararbroddi.

Eg bara feila alveg aš sjį žetta vera aš ske.

Žaš er eins og grikkir fatti ekki, aš önnur Evrópulönd hafa sum tekiš į sig miklar ašahaldsašgeršir og auknar įlögur.

Td. mį nefna Spįn.  Sem viršist vera aš nį sér uppśr vandręšunum meš skynsemi og einbeitni.  Aš mašur minnist ekki į Ķrland.  Žeir viršast alveg komnir fyrir vind ķrarnir įsamt Portśgal o.s.frv.

Framgangur grikkja virkar egó-sentrķskur og laustengdur raunveruleikanum og oršręšan eftir žvķ.

Ómar Bjarki Kristjįnsson, 13.2.2015 kl. 12:50

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