22.5.2014 | 23:55
Útgönguspár í Evrópukosningum Í Hollandi: Stórsigur Evrópusinna. Andsinnum hafnað. Frelsisflokkur Wilders biggest loser.
,,EU elections: exit polls says D66 big winner, Wilders biggest loser.
The definitive exit poll from broadcaster Nos confirms that the Liberal democratic party D66 and the Christian Democrats are set to the be the biggest Dutch parties in the European parliament.
The definitive Ipsos poll put the Christian Democrats on 15.2% and D66 on 15.6%, ahead of Geert Wilders anti-EU PVV, which went down from 17% to 12.2%. The ruling VVD are up from 11.4% to 12.3% in the poll."
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