27.9.2013 | 13:04
Framsóknardęmisagan um veišimennina, bóndakonuna og sveppina. Į ensku.
,,There once were three hunters sitting in the kitchen of a farming couple in Northern Iceland. One of them spoke highly of a delicious soup made of Larch Bolete mushrooms, served by the farmers wife. The hunter asked: ,,Where do these mushrooms come from?" ,,From our garden" she responded and pointed at a few sturdy larch trees where the mushrooms could be seen growing. When the farmer's wife was asked further about the origin of the culinary delights they were being served, it turned out that everything on the table had been grown and prepared on the farm, namely the potatoes, the meat, the jam, the salad, and even the spices, which she had carefully grown in her pots on the veranda of the farmhouse. She then added: ,,Actually, in Iceland in the fall we really do not have to buy any food at all, we just eat what is so easily available!" I am not sure whether the resourceful farmer's wife had such abundance of Larch Bolete mushrooms that would render it possible for her to serve a larger market than her immediate family, - but she obviously had enough for them!"
Hahaha žetta er nś aš verša meiri stórbrandarinn žessi framsóknarmannaflokkur. Žaš er ekki hęgt annaš en hlęgja aš žvķ hve framsóknarmenn eru helvķti vitlausir.
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.