8.7.2012 | 00:02
Rangt eftir Urpilainen haft og ranghermiš fariš ķ hvern fjölmišilinn į fętur öšrum.
Sś frétt sem Andsinnar voru yfir sig kįtir meš hér fyrir 1-2 dögum og höfš var eftir finnska fjįrmįlarįšherranum Urpilainen hefur reynst vera bara ranghermi. Urpilainen sagši ekkert ķ lķkingu viš žaš sem AFP tślkaši fyrst uppśr finnsku blaši og svo komust bresku fjölmišlarnir ķ žaš og svo koll af kolli. Allt bara bull og vitleysa. Hśn sagši allt annaš en haft var eftir henni og bśiš var til śr oršum hennar.
,,Urpilainen misquotes on euro spread like wildfire
Comments erroneously attributed to Finance Minister Jutta Urpilainen on Friday about a possible Finnish exit from the eurozone have spread around the world.
On Friday afternoon, the French news agency AFP cited an interview with Urpilainen published by the Finnish business paper Kauppalehti that morning. The wire service reported that ,,Finland would consider leaving the eurozone rather than paying the debts of other countries in the currency bloc, Finnish Finance Minister Jutta Urpilainen said."
In fact, Urpilainen said nothing of the kind in the interview. Rather she stressed that Finland is committed to euro membership and that ,,this is the message we must continue to convey".
AFP also attributed the following statement to Urpilainen: ,,Finland will not hang itself to the euro at any cost and we are prepared for all scenarios".
There was a similar statement at the beginning of the article: ,,Still, Finland will not hang itself on the euro at any cost and all situations are being prepared for". However, this was an observation by the reporter, not a quote from Urpilainen.
At the end of the article was this rather neutral statement: ,,According to Urpilainen, the government has a direct responsibility to draw up various scenarios and future paths."
AFP corrects story
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