14.6.2012 | 15:05
UK planar skiptingu ķ innstęšubanka og fjįrfestingarbanka.
White paper var settur fram ķ dag žessu višvķkjandi. žar er allt stašfest er ég upplżsti um hér į dögunum žegar ég leišrétti įkvešiš bśllsjitt sem veriš var aš mata innbyggjara į svo stórskömm var aš.
,,Government sets out plans to split retail and investment banking
The Government has today published a White Paper setting out proposals to fundamentally reform the structure of banking in the UK. The White Paper, which details how the Government will implement the recommendations of the Independent Commission on Banking (ICB), offers further detail on plans to separate retail and investment banking through a ,,ring-fence" and increase competition in the banking sector. It sets out proposals to make banks more resilient, as well as making them simpler to resolve in the event of failure."
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