5.5.2012 | 00:23
Ljóšręn nįlgun aš sambandi.
Kķnverski bissnesmašurinn Nubo er reportedly įkaflega hrifinn af Ķslenskri nįttśru og fékk įhuga į landi og lżš eftir aš hafa kynnst ķslendingi į nįmsįrum en žeir deildu herbergi saman. Enn er honum ķ fersku minn žegar móšir ķsl. nįmsmannsins prjónaši handa honum lopapeysu - žį prjónaši hśn lķka peysu handa Nubo. Nubo var blįfįtękur į žeim tķma og ķsland fékk viršingarstatus ķ huga hans og hefur gert žaš ę sķšan. Hann hefur stofnaš til Kķnversk-Ķslensk ljóšafélags og veršur samkoma žetta įriš haldin ķ Noregi. China daily sagši frį 24. aprķl 2012:
,,Businessman takes poetic approach to relationship.
Businessman Huang Nubo has become an unexpected cultural ambassador after he organized an annual poetry festival linking China and Iceland.
uang said he launched the event because of his fondness for Iceland and his personal connection with Icelandic translator Hjorleifur Sveinbjornsson, his roommate when they studied together at the Chinese language and literature department of Peking University in the 1970s.
Sveinbjornsson is now chairman of the Iceland-China Cultural Fund.
"When Sveinbjornsson's mother knitted a woolen sweater for him, the lady also knitted one for me, as I was poor at that time. I felt grateful to the Icelandic people," Huang said.
He also loves the wild and barren landscape of the island nation. It enchants him and inspires his own poetry.
Poetry has been the successful entrepreneur's life passion since he started writing more than 40 years ago, after he was orphaned at the age of 13."
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