1.11.2011 | 18:05
Ķrar fara žżsku leišina. Finna milljarša Evra.
Samkvęmt fréttum frį Ķrlandi ķ dag hefur uppgvötast kerfisvilla og skuldir landsins eru 3.6 milljöršum Evra minni en ętlaš var. Mį lesa um hér:
,,TV3 News has today revealed that the government finances are 3.6 Billion euro to the better as a result of an accounting error.
The error, which was discovered last Friday night came on the same day that German nationalised bank HYPO Real Estate discovered a double-counting error totalling 55 Billion Euro.
TV3 news sources revealed that the error had been discovered during an examination of the classification of the state's assets and liabilities. TV3 News understands that the 3.6 billion Euro had been advanced by the National Treasury Management Agency last year to another, unnamed state agency and was debited by both agencies in their financial reconciliations."
žetta er eina vitiš. Fara bara žżsk/ķrsku leišina.
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
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