Prósess til aš implementa reglugerš sem hęgt er aš beita į LĶŚ.

Mįliš er aš framferši žeirra LĶŚ-lendinga er svo fįheyrš frekja og gręšgi aš ekki voru til stašar almenninnilegar reglur til aš taka į žessu. žaš var ekkert reiknaš meš aš nokkur gęti hagaš sér į svo įbyrgšarlausan hįtt. Hér mį sjį hvaš er ķ bżgerš til aš taka į žvķ vandamįli aš LĶŚ ętlar aš śtrżma makrķlnum. žetta į žó eftir aš fį samžykki ma. hjį EU žinginu. Fiskinefndin er aš vinna ķ žessu. Fęll 2011/0434 (COD):

Allt er žett undirpinnaš af Alžjóšlegum reglum og sįttmįlum sem vonlegt er. Ašallega žetta lķklega sem gęti bitiš ķ rass LĶŚ-linga og žeirra žjórembingshunda ķ bandi:

,,4.d. impose quantitative restrictions of importations into the Union of fish of any associated species, and fishery products made of or containing such fish, when caught while conducting fisheries on the stock of common interest under the control of the country allowing non-sustainable fishing; in such a case, the Commission shall define appropriate means to determine which catches fall within the scope of the measure;"
,,4.g prohibit the reflagging of fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State to countries allowing non-sustainable fishing;
(h) prohibit Member States to authorise the conclusion of chartering agreements with economic operators from countries allowing non-sustainable fishing;
(i) prohibit the exportation to countries allowing non-sustainable fishing of fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State or of fishing equipment and supplies needed to fish on the stock of common interest;"
Og so videre.

Mér lķst vel į žetta. Barasta keyra žetta ķ gegn og beita fullri hörku į žį LĶŚ-lendinga. Ólķšandi aš tengja ESB viš makrķldeiluna
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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